

Agile helps to deliver objectives quickly and efficiently, while also allowing its users to adapt to changing requirements and feedback. aims to enable you to achieve the same level of performance in your personal life with a set of rich organizational tools.

Agile software development emphasizes flexibility and iteration. It is an incremental approach to delivering objectives where requirements and solutions evolve through continual review and reflection.


The Agile process is typically divided into several iterations called “sprints,” which usually last between one and four weeks. During each sprint, a team works to complete a set of prioritized tasks, known as “user stories.” These stories represent a small piece of functionality that can reasonably be delivered within the timeframe.


The Agile process includes regular rituals such as daily review, sprint planning, weekly review, and retrospective meeting to ensure goals are on track and to make any necessary adjustments.


  • Deliver frequently
  • Completion is the primary measure of progress
  • Responding to change
  • Sustainability
  • Continuous improvement

core principles’s review interface enables Agile these rituals for your personal projects and goals. By organizing your tasks into projects, epics and next actions, you can give yourself the flexibility and ability to complete complex tasks with ease.

Learn more about the review interface here.

Dictate & Agile